Friday, May 8, 2015

Five for Friday, May 8: New Listening Station Ideas

Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but we are in the home stretch of the year...only 10 more days of school! WHAT!!??
We had a great week that I'll share via Five For Friday. As always, thanks a lot for hosting, Kacey!
Old iPods + lots of books on tapes = our great new listening station!

I've had this idea for a while...ever since my super bulky tape player kept taking up valuable classroom space (I'm talking 1980s technology here). I tried using the iPods once, but my kids couldn't find the right book. Then a brilliant blogger (I wish I could remember who so I could give them credit!) suggested numbering the books. 

And then numbering the books on iTunes. 

And then putting them in the spiffy pink basket with the extremely fancy label. 

My kids pick a book and scroll to that number on the iPod. Most got it pretty quickly. When they clean up, they put up the book in number order. Now it's not only a listening activity, but a great counting/ordering activity, too! 
We reviewed authors and illustrators this week. We wrote about our favorite animal and then illustrated with water colors.
The key to water color is outlining! Students draw their picture with a black crayon, and then fill in with the water colors (like coloring in a coloring book). Their paintings come out super cute!

Happy Mother's Day!!! Here was our super quick craft with a super sappy poem. Moms, get ready to cry!

Get the poem {HERE}
This week I tried GoNoodle for the first time. Can we say AMAZING!!! If you've never tried this, go sign up for a free account today and try it with your kids!! They will LOVE IT!
There are so many ways to get your kids up and moving. We haven't nearly done them all yet! If you use GoNoodle, what are you and your kid's favorite activities???
We celebrated my mom's birthday this week! Happy Birthday to the greatest mommy in the world!!!


  1. I found your blog through the link up. I love your idea for updating your listening station!! I am definitely going to have to consider doing this too. I have several iPads that I have gotten through Donors Choose and I am sure I could use them the same way. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the idea of numbering books for the iPod. Genius! Can't believe you only have 10 days left. I'm down to 13 before starting my maternity leave, and I can't wait!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
