Sunday, November 2, 2014

Novemeber Currently

It's November!!!! From now until Christmas is officially my favorite time of year with college football in it's prime and holidays with family on the horizon.

I. LOVE. IT!!!!

It also means it's time for a new Currently! Thanks to Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for hosting this fun linky!
Listening: Have you seen this video?? It will MAKE your day!

Loving: We LOVE our new fireplace in our new house! The hubby and I just bought our first home, and I'm pretty sure this is the room that sold us:

I love those bricks sooooooo much. Now that's it chilly, we can finally have our fire! YES!!!

Thinking: I love looking at fellow blogger's Facebook pages, so I finally started my own! I'd love for you to visit. Just click {here}. There's a fan freebie waiting for you when you get there!


Wanting: I bought gray boots 2 years ago from The Shoe Dept. (my absolute ALL TIME favorite shoe store!!) for only $20! Unfortunately, the sole is not broken in half and currently taped together. Might be time for new boots...  =)

Needing: My kiddos have apparently been listening to all of those sharing lessons, because they have generously shared their germs with me. I started coming down with the crud Thursday night, but by pure force of will, I stayed well enough to go to school on Friday (because I knew no Sub in his or her right mind would come in on Halloween Friday). Then, Friday night, I proceeded to die and have slowly been recovering ever since. Yuck.

Reading: In our grade level chair meeting, we've been reading the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. It's not your normal book study read. It's a narrative about a fake company and all of the different personality types it's made up of. It talks about why teams fail and what they need to do work together. I totally recommend it!!!!

That's all for me, Folks. Have a great Sunday!!!!!


  1. That looks like a really cosy room - enjoy your fire on those chilly nights!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. Congrats on your new home! I love the fireplace. The room looks great!

  3. Beautiful fireplace. I want one so badly. Enjoy it!!!

  4. Hi Amanda! I nominated you for a Liebster! Love your stuff and you so deserve it! Check out the post here:
    See you around! Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

  5. Steven and I have been talking about how we really want a fireplace in our next house. I need you around to sing Christmas songs with!! Hope you start feeling better soon, and I'm going to try and remember to call you later this week!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  6. Thank you for your comment on my recent post. I love your room with the fire place. That is absolutely beautiful. I am your newest follower and I look forward to reading your blog posts!

