Monday, August 11, 2014

First Day...check!

I survived the first day of school!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!!!! I have 23 darling little kindergartners, and they were super excited and full of energy today! (Wasn't that a nice way of saying that?) I planned a lot of activities. We did basically none of them. How does that happen??

We did take a tour of the school. After we read The Kissing Hand, we used this TPT scavenger hunt freebie to find different places in our school.
Click Here for the Details!
I liked the activity, but I might move it to the second day of school next year. Walking in line all over the school was a big job for some of my little cupcakes...especially since our school is a quarter of a mile from one side to the other!

After PE and lunch, we read No, David and started talking about school rules. What kid doesn't love the page where David is running naked as a blue jay down the street?! Hilarious! I also used Dr. Jean's "Rules Rap" to help the kiddos remember the rules. Tomorrow I have some plans for David Goes to School. I hope we get to them! Stay tuned for pictures of this fun craftivity (and a freebie!)

After a fun time at recess, we got out the math manipulatives. The kids had some "exploration time" as they played with the unifix cubes and the pattern blocks. It's so interesting to see what they come up with when given some tools and time to use their imagination!

I hate that I don't have any pics from the day, but the first day craziness just didn't allow it  =)  I'll let you know how tomorrow goes!


  1. I love No, David! My copy was ruined, so I need a new one! Glad your first day went well!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  2. It sounds like you had a busy first day!! I always plan WAY too much the first week and it usually lasts me a few weeks lol.

    Have a great weekend!
    A Sunny Day in First Grade
